
Ok. ovo su meni novosti pa, neznam jel ko od vas to već negdje čuo.

Na jednoj stranici sam pročitala kakva je reakcija bila na Roberta Pattinsona kad je ulazio na audiciju...

Stephenie Meyer je u jednom intervju kojeg sam poslušala na youtube-u rekla da joj se glumci sviđaju 95%.
Ali zbog čega joj se toliko sviđaju glumci? Mislim 95% nije baš malo, iskreno govoreći zapravo sve leži u glumcu Robertu Pattisonu...
Stephenie Meyer je izjavila da je oduševljena njime. Rekla je da zna kako ga mnogi ne vole kao Edwarda Cullena, ali da je ona potpuno zadovoljna.
Evo ukratko rečenice koje je Stephenie izjavila u intervju:
Imala sam šansu pričati s Robert Pattinson. Ručali smo, no mogli smo ga vidjeti kako šeće ulicom i prilazi nam. Kosa mu je bila totalno crvena, i nosi je dugački crni kaput.
Mogli ste samo vidjeti ljude na ulici kada su stali i pogledali ga s čudom.
No nisu rekli : Tko je to? Rekli su: Što je to?
On nije izgledao kao čovijek, već kao anđel.
Kada je sjeo pored mene nisam znala što reći.
A mogli ste vidjeti glumicu koja će glumiti Bellu. Sjedio je pored nje a ona se samo buljila u njega.
On je stvarno savršen, ne trebate se brinuti.

Stephenie je osobno odgovorila troje ljudi s foruma. Pa evo i to, ali je na engleskom. Sorryte za to.

1. Did Edward lie to Victoria during the fight in Eclipse when he said that she was just a pawn to James? Just some naive girl who helped him with her gift?So, did James love Victoria?

Edward did not lie to Victoria—if he’d been making things up, it wouldn’t have been nearly as effective a distraction. (Edward did not say that Victoria was some naďve girl, though. That wouldn’t have been true.)
James loved Victoria as much as he was able to love anyone; his love for himself was so all-encompassing that it didn’t leave much affection left over for someone else. She cared for him much more than he cared for her, but she also knew that he would never love any other woman more than he loved her. However, if she had died before him, he would not have worried about avenging her unless there was a challenge involved in the revenge that intrigued him. He would not have mourned her. He would have missed her talent, though, and he would have been on the lookout for another alliance that would benefit him.

2. Does Victoria have a background story? How did she live? How did she become a vampire, who made her and how did she become the way she was?

I haven’t written Victoria’s history. As I mentioned in the question about Zafrina, I like to keep my options open with histories that might someday make a good story.

3. Why did you decide to make vampires in your books different from all the other vampires (they can go out during the day, they don't burn in the sun, they don't sleep in coffins...)?

I didn’t make those choices as a conscious decision to make my characters different from other vampires. Because I haven’t read other vampire stories, I didn’t really think about what was already out there while I was writing Twilight. One of the most enjoyable things about writing is creating your own reality. I had so much fun creating my own mythology about vampires. So the reason was fun. That’s mostly the reason behind all the things I write.

4. Which would you pick as the three happiest and three saddest scenes in the whole Twilight saga?
Saddest scenes:

3) Breaking Dawn chapter thirty-seven, Bella and Edward say goodbye to Renesmee and Jacob.
2) Eclipse chapter twenty-three, Bella sees her potential human life and finally realizes the price she is paying as she gives up her humanity
1) New Moon chapter three, Edward breaks up with Bella

Happiest scenes:
3) New Moon chapter twenty, Bella finds Edward in Volterra
2) Breaking Dawn chapter eighteen, Jacob imprints on Renesmee
1) Breaking Dawn chapter thirty-nine, Bella shows Edward her memories

E, da. da ne zaboravim tko je odabran za kreaciju Belline vjenčanice: Carolina Herrera
Službeno je potvrđeno da će se Praskozorje snimati u dva djela. Ali to i nije neka novost.

Ok. imam par stranica za vas:
Ponocno sunce (prvo poglavlje)
Sumrak saga
Twilight Lexicon
Mladi mjesec

Pa, to je to za sad. 
Ha, opet sam ponosna na sebe. Sve sam sama napisala osim intervjua.
Inače nemam živaca za takve stvari. 
:) :) :) :) :) :)
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